There will be a rise of inflows amid India getting inclusion in the FTSE Emerging Markets Government Bond Index
Indian Government Bonds in the JP Morgan global Bond Index Fund India will remain on the FTSE Fixed Income Country Classification Watch List for the potential reclassification of its Market Accessibility Level from 0 to 1, and consideration for inclusion in the FTSE Emerging Markets Government Bond Index (EMGBI), stated FTSE Russell, the leading global index provider, in its annual country classification review for countries monitored by its global equity and fixed income indices. The inclusion of nominal and inflation-linked local currency government bond markets in global FTSE fixed income indices is governed by the FTSE Fixed Income Country Classification Framework. Once India is added FTSE EMGBI, there will be huge inflows in the economy. It will further ease the international entry into the domestic markets. A core feature of this framework is the assignment of Market Accessibility Levels, which are reviewed on a semi-annual basis. The transparent nature of the Market ...